The purpose of this paper was to assess the quality of environmental factors such as soil and water in some protected areas in Romania. The chosen case studies were the Preajba-Facai lake system from Dolj County and the Vanturarita Buila National Park from Valcea County. Highlighting the evolutionary aspects of the analyzed quality parameters (20 physical-chemical indicators) on a spatial-temporal scale aiming at establishing geochemical thresholds, is the final result of a larger project. The results presented in this article were obtained through seasonal monitoring involving water and soil sampling and laboratory analysis. All the results were interpreted in relation to the values in the specific environmental legislation, and following the field visits, additional information was brought, which contributed to a good knowledge of these regions. The areas, although protected, are influenced by the anthropogenic factor, which has a negative impact on the environment. In some cases, non-compliances were identified and validated by the analysis performed.